In honor of the 300th anniversary of birthday of Magtymguly Pyragy
In the Turkmen state puppet theater, there have been made first steps in work concerning staging of play under the title “Miraculous power of book” to commemorate the 300th anniversary of birthday of Magtymguly Pyragy. This play is staged on the basis of literary work written by Gochmyrat Orazberdiyev under the title “Miraculous power of book” on the basis of novel of writer Nobatguly Rejepov under the title “The sacred book”. Director of the play: Ylyas Durdyyev. This play dwells on enormous influence of Magtymguly Pyragy’s book on people, as well as great value of this book. The main character of this play has to challenge several hard events to acquire a book of poet Magtymguly. Great value of book of Magtymguly Pyragy is discovered by mean of these events as well. Apart from that, this play also stipulates to get to young spectators the poet’s poems having wide educational importance by means of stage elements applied by puppet theater.