fairy tale

Hare’s log house


Events of this play take place in backwoods. In the wilds of the forest, Hare builds himself a log house, and Fox builds herself a house from ice. But, when spring comes, Fox’s ice house melts and she has neither house nor shelter left. Hare takes mercy on Fox and lets her in his log house for a while until she finds a new house for herself. Fox repays good with evil, drives Hare out of his log house and takes it for her own. After that, the play becomes rather tense with appearance of such characters, as Dog and Bear. In the end, brave Cock comes to rescue Hare, drives Fox out of Hare’s log house and passes it back to Hare. This play, prepared on the basis of a Russian national fairy-tale of the same name, is of wide educational importance in wakening in children’s hearts such features, as generosity, protection, good and bravery.