Magtymguly Khudaberdiyev 9
Stage master of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan
Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev was born in 1971 in the village of Birleshik, Tejen etrap, Ahal velayat. While studying at a rural school, he began to study in the drama circle of the village house of culture. Hojaberdi, father of Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev, has great respect for artists, well-known artists of our country, maintains friendly relations with them. This situation reinforces Magtymguly’s passion for art since childhood.
From 1987 to 1990, Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev graduated from the three-year school (studio) for the training of artists at the Academic Drama Theater named after Mollanepes in Ashgabat and became a drama and film actor. In 1993, he began working as an artist at the Turkmen State Puppet Theater. For the first time on the stage of the theater, he created the image of Tayharjyk in the production of “Bovenjik” based on a folk tale. Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev successfully passes this first test and skillfully performs every role assigned to him. He painstakingly searched for a voice, movement, character, and later managed to create both characters in one play. He masterfully performed impressive images in the production of “Juyten’s Wedding” from the creative team, he played the role of the child of the “Profound One” and the cow named Amangozel. He played the roles of Kelek Bay in the production of “Japbaklar”, the Wolf in the production of “Hare Rescuer” by B.Gutlymuradov, Soltan bek in the production of “Aryshyn Mal Alan” by U.Hajibekov, Cherkez aga in the production of “Son of Karvenbashi”, the Wolf in “Sakarja goat’ G.Kakabayev, the Merchant in the production of “Three Hundred Gold Pieces”, and in the image of a dog in “Who Lives Under the Stairs?” R.Oksana, grandfather in “Masha and the Bear”, Fox in “The Hut”, Wolf in “The Proud Hare”. Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev performed about 70 images on the stage of the theater, which are liked by both children and adults. He is not only a puppet artist, but also knows how to make puppets. One of his dolls is known as the Frog – “Uncle Guga” in the children’s show “Friends” on the Yashlyk TV channel. Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev is a poet who also writes short stories and dramatic works. On the theatrical stage, staged and released, presented to the public and shown on television, such works of his as “Clever Crow”, “Parrot”, “How a Kitten Learned to Meow” and “With and without a strap”.
Mentor-artist Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev provides creative support to young theater artists. He teaches young artists about types of dolls, how to find the voice of a doll, and the subtle secrets of describing dolls. Magtymguly Hudayberdiyev in 2010 managed to become the winner of the competition of the President of Turkmenistan “The Golden Age of Turkmenistan”. In 2011, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Turkmenistan”.