Batyr Gurbanov 1
Batyr Gurbanov was born in 1998 in the village of Gami, Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. In 2021, he graduated from the Turkmen State Institute of Culture and became a television director. Since September 2023, he has been working as an assistant director of the creative team of the Turkmen State Puppet Theater. On the stage of the theater, he staged puppet shows intended for children: “Apple”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Living Dolls”, which children liked. He also staged large-scale productions aimed at older audiences, such as “Juyiten’s wedding”, “Jolly Show” and the comedy “When My Young Soul Is Excited” by B. Mamedov, glorifying the wonderful times of our country today. In addition, B. Gurbanov not only performed roles, but also staged large-scale performances on the stage of the theater such as “Yartygulak” (son of Esen), “Love will save us” (club employee), “Arshyn mal Alan” (servant Ali), “Aladdin” (Prince Ahmet), “Juyiten’s Wedding” (Yapyshakguly), “When my young soul is excited” (Selim Selimovich) “Japbaklar” (Molegoz) performs wonderful images that remain in the memory of the audience. He actively acts in theatrical productions. With a young heart, he creatively approaches the roles assigned to him. In this regard, the coach fulfils the artists’ orders and studies their work experience. Batyr Gurbanov can always be seen at the center of mass cultural events. He actively participates in various cultural events, festivals and creative trips organized by the theater. Batyr Gurbanov constantly improves his level of excellence, being acquainted with new creative works. He also does not lose sight of his political suitability. He is a member of the Magtymguly youth organization. During the period of the revival of a new stable state, he always strives for excellence in his creativity, making a great contribution to our national culture and art.