Myrat Batyrov 2
Myrat Batyrov was born in 1985 in Ashgabat city. During the period of 1992-2001, he studied in secondary school No 25 of Ashgabat city, after graduation of which he received secondary education . Within the period of 2002-2003, he studied in Center of Agroindustrial Entrepreneurship of University of Agriculture named after S.A. Niyazov, after graduation of which he acquired specialty of “operator of banking”. During the period of his study at university, he was deeply engrossed with dramatic art. In 2008, this passion for dramatic art brought him to Students’ theater of Turkmenistan named after Mollanepes. In students’ theater, he worked as a lighting engineer. And since 2023 and up to now, he has been working as a chief of Production-Technical and Radio-Sound Department of the Turkmen state puppet theater. He does his best to completely and duly fulfill his major duties associated with work of the department.